Sunday, November 14, 2010

Children get me in trouble.

Welcome to another installment of I Touch Books, where I regail you with tales from the Library and all of it's fanciful wonder. Today we're going back again to when I worked in the children's deptartment. Click after the jump for the full story!

It was a fairly busy day at the library, with kids and families of all sizes milling about, but nothing out of the ordinary for the more relaxed children's section. As things quieted down at the desk I noticed something slightly off. In the reading area we have a chair that looks like a soccerball, like this one:

I know pretty badass, right?

The problem was that it seemed to be rolling away on it's own. It had been tipped on it's side and an adorable little ragamuffin was pushing it towards another section of the library. The little guy couldn't have been older than 3 but he was muscling the chair along with ease.

I decided that I should probably put an end to this as he might run into another child (he couldn't see over the chair) and the chair was supposed to stay by the reading area. I approach the little guy slowly so as not to scare him and I say
"That chair needs to stay here ok?"
After a short pause and a flash of fear he responds with,

At this point I'm looking around for his parents ready to defend myself, wondering why the hell I didn't wear my staff badge, and trying to roll this awkward soccerball shaped piece of furniture away from the child. I expected to recieve another volley of scream or even shouts of "PEDO" or "RAPE" but the little bruiser just stormed off towards what I assume was his family, no doubt to tell them that the bad man stole his oversized furniture toy.

Lucky for me I retreated to the safety of the desk and kept my head down for the rest of the day. That ladies and gentlemen is how children get me in trouble.


  1. This is my absolute favorite story.

  2. This story is still funny every time I read it due to the mental image of a man of your statue shamefully rolling a soccer ball chair away from an upset child.
